At MAKO, we pride ourselves on being able to provide your team with SAFE, SKILLED and SMART labour solutions to enable your organisation to achieve all of its goals!

Including but not limited to:
- Statutory Officials
- Supervisors & Managers
- Safety & Training Personnel
- Labour Hire / Supplementary Labour
- Development Operators & Trades
- Longwall Operators & Trades
- Place Change Operators & Trades
- Pillar Extraction Operators & Trades
- Longwall Relocations & Installs
- Conveyor Maintenance / Installs
- Ventilation Services / Installs
- Secondary Support
- Outbye Services
- Roadway Maintenance / Concreting
- Longwall Process / Bullgang Crews
- Development / Bullgang Crews
- Maintenance personnel
- Engineering personnel

Including but not limited to:
- Open Cut Examiners (OCEs)
- Supervisors and Managers
- Safety and Training Personnel
- Labour Hire / Supplementary Labour
- Haul Truck Operators
- Excavator and Shovel Operators
- Grader and Watercart Operators
- Dozer and Loader Operators
- Maintenance Trades
- Engineering Personnel